The importance of choosing a reliable service for certified translations

When you need certified translations, it is very important that you know how to choose a reliable and high quality service, so we are going to explain below what you should take into account when choosing a company for the certified translation of your documents.


  • Endorsement of the Corresponding Body

  • Company Experience

  • Customer Reviews and Experiences

  • Pricing and Certification Considerations

  • L&P: Your Best Choice for Certified Translations

First of all, it is very important that the translator or translation company is endorsed by the corresponding body in each country, as this will guarantee that it is a person or company fully qualified and suitable to perform certified translations. This is a very important point because in order to perform certified translations one must have a lot of knowledge in the legal area, that is to say that every translator of official documents must have a specific preparation in this field, due to the challenges that arise in the legal area at the time of transferring the message from the source language to the target language. Therefore, it can be understood that not just anyone who knows two or more languages is apt to translate official documents. It is also very important to remember that in order for your translated documents to be accepted and recognized by the relevant entity or entities, they must be certified translations.

Secondly, something that can help you when choosing is to look for information about the trajectory of the company, because the years it has been in the market can give you the security you need, this does not mean that a company that has less years than another is inefficient, what this will do is to give you an overview of what you are looking for. If something must be taken into account is that experience is acquired day by day and clearly a company that has been in the market for many years can give you much more reliability.

Thirdly, you can look for reviews about the experience of other users with the company, because who better than customers to evaluate the quality of the service. This point can help you to know a little more about the company's work, i.e., if they are punctual with delivery times, if the translated documents are of excellent quality and if they are quick to respond to clients' requests.

Finally, something that can also give you an insight into what you are looking for is the price range, if, for example, you find a person who performs official but not certified translations, and charges an amount that is below the average of what a translation company charges, you can get the idea that maybe he is not a professional in the area, plus your documents may not be recognized for not having the character of certified.

So, always look for the best option for you. L&P offers you an excellent service, because we are a company that offers certified translations of the highest quality, we have many years of experience in the area of official translation, so we guarantee the acceptance of your documents by the relevant agencies, we have an extensive team of fully trained professionals and we offer you different delivery times and prices. All you have to do is contact us. We are here to serve you.


  • Certified Translations: Translations carried out by professionals endorsed by official organizations that guarantee their competence in the translation of official documents.

  • Endorsement of the Corresponding Body: Approval by an official entity confirming the translator's or company's competence to perform certified translations.

  • Market experience: A track record of years of activity in the field of official translation, which can increase the reliability of a supplier.

  • Customer Reviews: Comments and opinions of people who have used the service, providing information on quality and customer satisfaction.

  • Pricing Considerations: The relationship between the cost of a translation service and its quality, with an emphasis on the importance of certification for document acceptance.

  • Certification: Official validation that guarantees the authenticity and quality of a translation of official documents.

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