Translation Industry Standards: Updates and Best Practices

The translation industry is a constantly evolving field, driven by globalization, technology and the growing need for communication between different cultures and markets. In this changing environment, translation industry standards play a key role in ensuring quality and consistency in the translation of documents, websites, applications and a variety of multilingual content. So let's take a look at the key points relevant to our degree.


  • Introduction to the Translation Industry

  • Evolution of the Translation Industry

  • Technology in Translation: CATs and Translation Memories

  • Localization and its Importance in a Globalized World

  • Emerging Technologies and their Impact on Translation

  • Translation Industry Standards

  • Recent Updates on Translation Industry Standards

  • Best Practices in Translation

  • Benefits of Complying with Standards and Best Practices

  • Challenges and Future of the Translation Industry

  • Future Prospects for the Translation Industry

The Evolution of the Translation Industry

This industry has undergone a profound transformation in recent decades. In the past, translation was mainly done manually, with translators working with dictionaries and cross-references to ensure accuracy. However, with the advancement of technology, especially machine translation and project management tools, the way translations are approached has changed significantly.

Machine Translation and Translation Memories

One of the major innovations in the translation industry is computer-assisted machine translation (CAT). These tools, such as SDL Trados, MemoQ and Memsource, allow translators to work more efficiently. CAT technology stores previously translated text fragments in what are known as "translation memories. When a new document is translated, the system looks for matches in the translation memories and suggests translations that the translator can accept or modify as needed. This improves consistency and saves time in the translation of long documents or continuous translation projects.

Globalization has also led to an increase in demand for translation and localization services. Localization refers to the adaptation of a product or content to the cultural and linguistic preferences of a specific market. For example, an e-commerce website that is launched in several countries will require careful localization to ensure that the content is relevant and understandable to each audience.

In addition, new technologies, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, are playing an increasing role in the translation industry. These technologies enable the automation of repetitive tasks and the improvement of translation quality. For example, machine translation engines, such as Google Translate, use machine learning algorithms to deliver increasingly accurate and natural translations.

Translation Industry Standards

In this constantly evolving environment, translation industry standards are essential to ensure that quality and consistency are not compromised. Standards provide clear guidelines on how translations should be carried out and what practices should be followed to ensure optimal results. Some of the most recognized standards in the translation industry include the following:

ISO 17100:2015

ISO 17100:2015 sets out the requirements for translation services. These requirements cover all aspects of the translation process, from the selection of translators to the review and delivery of translations. The standard also includes guidelines for translation project management and service quality.

ASTM F2575-14

ASTM F2575-14 is a standard developed by ASTM International that focuses on the evaluation of translation quality. It defines a set of criteria for evaluating the quality of a translation and provides a framework for review and continuous improvement of the translation process.

EN 15038:2006

The European standard EN 15038:2006 is similar to ISO 17100:2015 and sets requirements for translation services. This standard applies to all translation service providers and establishes guidelines for project management, translator selection and translation review.

Industry Specific Standards

In addition to general standards, there are industry-specific standards that apply to particular sectors. For example, the medical industry has its own translation standards, which require exceptional accuracy due to the critical nature of medical information. Similarly, the legal industry also has specific standards to ensure accuracy and consistency in the translation of legal documents.

Recent Updates to Translation Industry Standards

Translation industry standards are not static; they evolve over time to reflect advances in technology and best practices. Below are some of the most recent updates to translation industry standards:

Technology Integration

One of the most significant updates in translation industry standards is the incorporation of technology. The standards now recognize the importance of machine translation tools, translation memories and other technological resources in the translation process. Translators must be able to use these tools effectively to ensure efficiency and quality in translations.

Data Security

Data security has become a critical issue in the translation industry, especially in the translation of confidential and legal documents. Standards have been updated to address data security and ensure that translation service providers handle information securely and comply with privacy regulations.


Accessibility has become a major focus in the translation industry, with growing awareness of the importance of making information accessible to people with disabilities. Standards have incorporated guidelines to ensure that translations are accessible, including consideration of readability and inclusion of content for audiences with disabilities.

Best Practices in the Translation Industry

In addition to standards, there are a number of best practices that translation professionals should follow to ensure quality and efficiency in their work. Below are some of these best practices:

Selection of Qualified Translators

The selection of qualified translators is essential to ensure accurate and high quality translations. Translators must have a thorough knowledge of the language pair in question and be familiar with the subject matter of the document to be translated. Translation certification is an indicator of competence and can be an important factor in the selection of a translator.

Review and Quality Control

Proofreading and quality control are critical steps in the translation process. Translations should be reviewed by a second translator or proofreader to verify accuracy and consistency. Quality control tools, such as spelling and grammar checks, are also essential.

Efficient Project Management

Efficient project management is key to meeting deadlines and ensuring consistency in large-scale translation projects. Coordination between translators, reviewers and clients is essential, and project management tools can facilitate this process.

Cultural Adaptation

Cultural adaptation is crucial in the localization and translation of content. Translators must be sensitive to cultural differences and adapt content to make it relevant and understandable to the target audience.

Continuous Updating

The translation industry is constantly evolving, so continuous updating is essential. Translation professionals must keep up with the latest trends, technologies and changes in industry standards.

Benefits of Complying with Standards and Best Practices

Complying with translation industry standards and following best practices has a number of significant benefits:

Consistent Quality

Adherence to standards and best practices ensures consistent translation quality. This is critical to maintaining message integrity and client confidence.


Best practices, such as the use of machine translation tools and translation memories, improve efficiency in the translation process, saving time and resources.

Legal Compliance

In certain industries, such as legal and medical, compliance with standards and regulations is essential to ensure legal compliance and accuracy in the translation of critical documents.


Compliance with accessibility best practices ensures that information is accessible to a wider audience, including people with disabilities.

Reputation and Satisfied Customers

Complying with standards and best practices helps build a solid reputation in the translation industry and maintain satisfied customers, which can lead to continued business growth.

Challenges and Future of the Translation Industry

Despite technological advances and updates in translation industry standards, there are still challenges in this ever-evolving field. Some of the challenges include:

Translation of User Generated Content

With the proliferation of user-generated content on online platforms, translating diverse and non-standard content can be a challenge. Standards and best practices must adapt to address this reality.

Translation of Multimedia Content

The translation of multimedia content, such as videos and podcasts, poses additional challenges in terms of synchronization and cultural adaptation. Standards must evolve to address this form of content.

Changes in Technology

Rapidly evolving technology, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, may change the way translation is carried out. Translation professionals must be prepared to adapt to these changes.

Data Security and Privacy

Growing concerns about data security and privacy pose additional challenges for translation service providers, who must ensure the protection of confidential information.

Despite these challenges, the future of the translation industry is bright. As the demand for translation and localization continues to grow in a globalized world, the need for competent translation professionals and compliance with standards and best practices will remain critical.


  • Translation Memories: Storage of previously translated text fragments for reuse in future translations.

  • Location: Adaptation of content to the cultural and linguistic preferences of a specific market.

  • Artificial Intelligence: Technology that enables computers to perform tasks that require human intelligence.

  • Machine Learning: A subfield of artificial intelligence where computers improve their performance on a specific task through experience.

  • Data Security: Protection of confidential information against unauthorized access or loss.

  • Accessibility: Make information accessible to people with disabilities.

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