Who Needs Certified Translations and Why?

The text highlights the need for certified translations for legal documents. These include birth certificates, marriage certificates, diplomas, among others. Certified translations ensure fidelity to the original and the translator's competence, guaranteeing official acceptance by public or private entities. Using non-certified translations can delay procedures and compromise the confidentiality of the information.


  • Importance of Certified Translations

  • Agility in Procedures

  • Requirements for Legal Proceedings

  • L&P Translations Services

    • Experience and quality

    • Delivery options

    • How to contact us

Importance of Certified Translations

Certified translations are usually required for the translation of official documents, i.e. birth certificates, marriage certificates, academic transcripts, diplomas, documentation for immigration procedures, among many others. With this we can understand that all people who need to carry out any procedure before any entity, whether public or private, and who need the translation of their documents, require certified translations, since this will guarantee that they will be officially accepted by said entity.

Why do you need certified translations? This is a very important point, as certified translations allow your documents to be accepted, since the translation certificate included in these translations certifies that the translation is completely faithful to the original text, that the translator is a fully competent professional in both languages and that there are no alterations of any kind.

This allows you to speed up your procedures, because if you submit translations done by amateur translators or made with online tools to the relevant entities, it is very likely that your documents will not be received and this will delay your process. In addition, it is not advisable to leave your documents in the hands of anyone, since the information contained therein is personal and should not have any other use than the translation as such.

Agility in Procedures

If you are going to carry out immigration, study, work and/or legal procedures, you should know that you will need a certified translation of your documents, and we are here to serve you with the highest possible agility and quality. We are a company with many years of experience, we offer certified translations and different delivery times. Just contact us and we will assist you promptly. We guarantee that your documents will be accepted and recognized by the competent entities. L&P Translations is your best option. Trust us.


  • Certified Translations: Official translations that ensure the fidelity to the original and the translator's competence.

  • Official Documents: Birth certificates, marriage certificates, diplomas, etc., which require certified translations for processing.

  • Migration Procedures: Legal processes related to migration from one country to another.

  • Study Procedures: Legal procedures associated with education and academic training.

  • Labor Proceedings: Legal proceedings related to employment and labor.

  • Competent Entities: Organizations or institutions that require legalized documents for processing.

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