Translation of magazines

Magazines are periodicals that cover a wide range of topics. Translating these texts requires consideration of several key aspects. First, it is essential to understand the subject matter of the magazine and to have knowledge in the field to avoid terminological errors. Second, the target audience of the journal must be taken into account to determine the appropriate language and linguistic variants. Third, the degree of specialization of the text influences the language and terminology used. Fourth, the layout and format of the journal must be maintained in translation. Furthermore, it is stressed that being bilingual is not the same as being a professional translator, and it is recommended to hire high quality translation services.


  • Definition of magazines and their diversity.

  • Subject of the journal and knowledge in the area.

  • The Professionalism of Translators

  • Being bilingual vs. being a professional translator.

  • L&P Translation Services

  • L&P's translation services offer.

Definition of magazines and their diversity 

First of all, it is very important to take into account the subject or subjects of the journal, because before translating any text it is essential to have knowledge in the area, in order to avoid terminological errors. It is not necessary to be an expert, but a good degree of knowledge is required, since in order to be able to translate you must first understand.

Secondly, the target audience of the magazine must be kept in mind, since many decisions depend on this when translating. One of them is the language to be used, since if the text is intended for a general audience, it would not be convenient to use specialized language because the audience is not an expert in the area. Other important aspects are the language variants, for example, if the text is addressed to a specific community or group, it is necessary to use the language variants most commonly used by these people, so that they can have a better understanding of the magazine.

Thirdly, the degree of specialty of the text or texts that make up the journal should be taken into account, since, for example, technical-scientific journals are usually aimed at a specialized audience, i.e., experts in the area and, in this case, the use of appropriate terminology would be required. If it were a popular science text, the objective, audience and language of the text would be different, since it is aimed at a lay audience.

Fourthly, there is the issue of layout, since translations must generally be delivered in the same format in which they are received. This is a very important aspect because the format is sometimes a bit complex to recreate, but a good translator is always prepared for all challenges.

Therefore, it is very important to remember that being bilingual does not mean being a translator, since in order to be able to perform this task you must have knowledge of the translation area itself. So we recommend that when you need to translate your magazines you hire a professional translator who can meet all your expectations for the quality of their work. L&P is here to assist you, do not hesitate to contact us.


  • Magazines: Periodicals with different types of content.

  • Terminology: Use of field-specific terms.

  • Linguistic variants: Differences in language according to regions or groups.

  • Text of Scientific Dissemination: Material that explains scientific concepts for a non-expert audience.

  • Layout: Design and format of a publication.

  • Professional Translator: Person with specialized translation skills.

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