Discover the World of Certified Translations for Official Use

Certified translations are translation services performed by official translators endorsed by government agencies. These translations are required for official documents, such as birth certificates or academic transcripts, due to the sensitive information they contain. A translation certificate guarantees that the translation is true to the original and is signed and stamped by the translator. Official translators are experts in legal terminology and systems, which makes their translations reliable. These translations are required by both public and private entities and provide confidence and discretion in the treatment of information.


  • Introduction to Certified Translations

  • Documents Requiring Certified Translations

  • Contents of the Translation Certificate

  • Experience of Official Translators

  • Application of Certified Translations

  • How to Obtain Certified Translations

What are certified translations?

In the field of translation there are different areas of expertise, because depending on the field they need different treatment and requirements. Do you know what certified translations are? As the name suggests, this type of translation is accompanied by a translation certificate and is done by an official translator who is endorsed by the corresponding body in each country.

Documents Requiring Certified Translations

Certified translations are usually required for documents of an official nature, for example: birth certificates, marriage certificates, identity documents, declarations, complaints, contracts, academic records, transcripts, diplomas, medical certificates, medical records, among many others; generally these are documents that must be submitted to some agency and in order to be accepted it is required to be a certified translation, but why? The reason is that this type of documentation contains personal, delicate and confidential information, which could be easily altered, therefore, what is required is that it is done by an expert and qualified translator, who guarantees that the information is completely true and certifies it. With this, the translator is responsible for his work, that is to say, for his translation and assumes any consequence in case any inconvenience should arise.


Contents of the Translation Certificate

What does the translation certificate contain? In this the translator declares that he/she is competent in both the source and target languages, that the translation is faithful to the original document, in other words, that it says exactly everything that is expressed in it and that there is no alteration of any kind, also included is the signature, stamp and contact information.

In addition, official translators have a lot of experience in the area, therefore, they have knowledge of the concepts, terminology and the different legal systems, that is to say, they are completely reliable translations. Not just anyone who knows another language(s) is suitable for this type of translations, since they do not use a general language and require many more tools than the language itself.

How to Obtain Certified Translations

Certified translations are usually required by both public and private organizations, whether they are legal or natural persons: governmental entities, universities, professors, schools, companies, managers, etc.

Likewise, certified translations generate a great deal of confidence and peace of mind, since the information will be treated with all possible discretion, that is, it will never be disclosed, and everything that is expressed in the original is accurately translated with the best possible quality.

So when you require certified translations, do not hesitate to contact us, make sure that your documents are officially accepted by the body before which you must submit them and that your processes are not delayed. We are here to serve you.


  • Certified Translations: Translation services provided by official translators endorsed by government agencies.

  • Translation Certificate: A document that guarantees the authenticity of a translation done by an official translator.

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